I took a trip to Las Vegas, NV during Thanksgiving break. In Las Vegas, I had a lot of fun. My grandparents came with us. My cousins came too. But they joined us a day later than when we got there. On the first day, we were driven to our hotel and relaxed. Our hotel
Month: November 2016
Galaxy leaves trail of gas & stars in galaxy cluster
My article is about a galaxy that is leaving a trail of gas and stars in a galaxy cluster. The cluster is called Norma. The galaxy is called ESO-137-001. The trail formed when ESO-137-001 ran into hot gas. Wind from the collision has been pushing away debris. The released clouds then collapsed. This ignited new
Houseplants that suck up air pollutants
My article is about houseplants that suck up air pollutants that are harmful to humans. Paints, furniture, photocopiers, printers, cleaning supplies & dry-cleaned clothes all create a toxic gas called volatile organic chemicals, or VOCs. Inhaling some kinds of these gases can cause dizziness, allergic reactions, & asthma. Long exposure can cause liver damage, kidney
Primate fossils found in Indian coal mine
My article is about primate fossils found in a coal mine in India. Scientists think they are close relatives of our ancestors. Primates are a group of mammals that include humans, monkeys, apes, & other related animals. Scientists thought that primates evolved mainly on the continent of Africa. The new study shows that primates may
“Why mosquitos prefer to bite people more than others”
My article is about why some people get bitten by more than others. Recent studies show that some people are bitten more than others because of their DNA. DNA are molecule’s that make up the genetic code which determines how a person develops throughout their lives. The way a person smells can actually determine whether
Fungal disease that is attacking bananas
My article is about a fungus that is attacking bananas. And new studies show that the fungi are getting even more harmful to the plant. Some of the genes are changing in ways that are allowing the fungus to steal the banana’s nutrients. But the new data might help researchers allow the plant to become
New evidence of dark matter
My article is about some stars that are cooling faster than expected. Scientists have found some white dwarf stars that are cooling faster than they should be. This suggests at the presence of hypothetical particles called axions. Such particles have been thought to make up dark matter. 5 white dwarfs grew dim and then bright